Karoly Takaces real life best motivational story | isucceed.cf |

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karoly takacs real life inspirational story

Friends, this story is the story of one such hero KAROLY TAKACS whose fate had planned to defeat him, but after that he defeated the fate and made world history with the support of his hard work and passion. So isucceed.cf is going to share with you the motivational story of a real life hero. Hopefully this story will inspire all those people who are ready to fight with their fate.
Karoly Takacs

Born 21 January 1910 (hungry) - 5 January 1976 (age 65)

Game - Shooting

Success - The first shooter to win two Olympic gold medals in 25 METER RAPID FIRE PISTOL.

Humans often refer to the reason for their failings to their destiny or the lack of resources available to them. Despite this, there are many people who won in the race of their life and got them many times more than they wanted to get. This story is a shooter who defeated the fate of his hard work and passion. The point is that in 1938 there was a shooter in the Army of Hungary KAROLY TAKACS (Karauli). Who was the most stunning shooter in that country, had expected from all the countries that Karauli would win the gold medal in the Olympics to be held in 1940 but then an accident happened and a bomb exploded in the same hand of Karauli, with which his hand badly damaged And the doctors said that now she can not shoot. Karauli was just 2 years away from her goal. She had full faith in her that she would definitely win but her fate wanted to beat her but she did not lose it 1 month after that accident she started practicing shooting with her second hand. He had to be the best shooter and he had left his left hand now for him. He made his left hand the best hand in a short time. In those days there was a shooting competition in Hungary, there were all the shooters of the country, the karoly takacs also went there and the rest of the shooter began to give teeth to the courage of Karoly that a few months ago, an accident happened with him and still he came to encourage the other shooters but He went there to compete with him on his left hand and also won the competition with Karauli in the end. In 2 years, he made his left hand worthy to participate in the upcoming Olympics. But in 1940, the olympic games that were canceled due to World War II, but Karauli was very disappointed but he did not break his guts and prepared himself for the 1944 Olympics and the 1944 Olympic Games were also canceled. Karolyli still did not give up and in 1948, she got her country gold medal. Karauli's dream was over but she still did not stop and participated in the Olympics in 1952 and once again karoly takacs won the gold medal. With this, he became the first athlete to win the gold medal twice. Friends, there are thousands of excuses to be defeated, but the winner has only one reason to win him. If you decide some thing then it has to happen, then no power in the world can stop you from doing that work.

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